• Rabbi Yoseph Yitzchak Vigler

    Overseeing the Mesivta is Rabbi Yoseph Yitzchak Vigler, Shliach in Flatbush NY. Rabbi Vigler has extensive experience in chinuch. He is the Rov and Mashpia of Mayan Yisroel in Flatbush, he is CEO of My Extended Family, an organization for children from single parent homes throughout the tri state area. He has taught at Beis Rivka Seminary for the past 20 years and teaches at Lev Beis Yaakov in Flatbush. He and his wife have 11 children ka”h.

  • Rabbi Nochum Labkowski - Menahel

    Rabbi Labkowski was born and raised in Crown Heights, son of HaRav Yisroel Labkowski, Magid Shiur at Lubavitcher Yeshiva Chovevei Torah for over 55 years Kah. He has taught grades 5 to 8 in Cheder at the Ohel for the past six years. Before that he spent 3 years in New Haven Mesivta, as shliach and dorm counselor and was learning director at Cinicnatti Mesivta summer program. His specialty in Chinuch is his focus on giving each individual Talmid a feeling and a taste of how Geshmak learning Torah really is, and to help him experience real Hatzlacha in Limud Hatorah. Because nothing motivates a Talmid more than feeling real success in his learning.

  • Eli and Shterny Steinmetz - Vaad Gashmi

  • הגה"ח הרב יוסף יצחק בוקיעט שליט"א - Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Bukiet


    Rabbi Bukiet will serve as Meshiv and Mashpia Kloli. We are honored to have such an esteemed eltere Chossid to interact with our bochurim. Rabbi Bukiet served as Magid Shiur in Mesivta Ohr Elchonon LA for the past 46 years in Shiur Beis & Gimmel. He brings a unique style of love and care for each bochur. And a geshmake Chassidishe Yid with a unique connection to the Rebbe.

  • Rabbi Berish Rotenberg


    Rabbi Rotenberg was raised and educated in Eretz Yisroel. He learned a few years in Oholei Torah, and was a Shliach in New Haven. He completed Smicha at the Yeshiva at the Ohel. He learned at Kollel Mayan Chai in Flatbush (under the leadership of Rabbi Vigler and Rabbi Menachem Kahn).

    He was hand picked and sought after due to his unique blend of being a serious Talmid Chochom, with a caring and warm personality, a passion for Chinuch and leadership skills.

    Rabbi Rotenberg leads the Amkus Track for bochurim who wish to cover and know well scores of Masechtos in Shas over the years of mesivta.

  • Rabbi Chonon Mann


    Rabbi Mann is Magid Shiur of the fast paced Blatt Shiur in Nigleh. He is a seasoned educator with experience teaching at New Haven Mesivta, Oholei Torah, and Queens Mesivta.

    He learned in Toronto Mesivta and Zal, Oholei Torah & Shlichus in New Haven. His father, Rabbi Avrohom, is Mashpia in Toronto Zal.

    He helps students develop a deep understanding of the material by structuring and organizing the learning, making complex concepts clear and accessible.

    Rabbi Mann's teaching style is clear and patient, with a focus on individualized attention. He creates a supportive and stimulating learning environment, where students can ask questions, explore ideas, and reach their full potential.

  • Rabbi Naftali Zaltsman


    Rabbi Zaltzman learned in Mesivta of Lakewood and Yeshiva Novominsk Boro Park. After being exposed to Chabad Chassidus in Lakewood, he transferred to Tomchei Tmimim Migdal HaEmek. He continued in 770 and has been learning in Kollel Menachem under Rabbi Heller for the past 2 years since his marriage.

    Rabbi Zaltzman grew up in a family which breathed Torah and Chinuch. His father learned in Kollel in Yerushalayim for 15 years and has been a Gemara teacher for the past 12 years. Being a Magid Shiur was always an aspiration.

    For the past 4 years he founded and ran a Yeshivas Kayitz program teaching Nigleh and Chassidus attracting dozens of bochurim from Baalebatishe backgrounds.

    He has a passion for Chinuch and a special Gishmak in teaching bochurim.

  • Rabbi Menachem Feldman


    Rabbi Menachem Feldman is the morning mashpia of Shiur Alef, educated at Yeshiva Sydney and Yeshiva Tomchei Temimim Montreal. With experience teaching in various schools, including those in Sydney and Crown Heights, as well as on the Shluchim online school, Rabbi Feldman is dedicated to guiding and empowering bochurim on their spiritual journey. His commitment lies in helping them reach their fullest potential in avodas Hashem and limmud hatorah.

  • Rabbi Yossi Lesches


    Rabbi Lesches is Mashpia of Shiur Beis. He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from his studies at:

    - Montreal & Westchester Mesivta

    - Oholei Torah (Zal)

    - Shlichus in Brunoy

    - 770

    - Kollel Menachem

    Previously, he served as a Mashpia in Westchester as an Eltere Bochur. Rabbi Lesches is married to the daughter of Rabbi Efraim Piekarski, a respected Mashpia in Morristown. With his unique ability to connect with students and communicate Chassidus with warmth and inspiration, Rabbi Lesches has made a profound impact on the lives of bochurim