Welcome to Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim
Mayan Torah of Pomona
Registration for 5786 is open!
Please note, all applications received by Thursday, 15 Shvat, will be given the same consideration.
Informative Meeting about Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim Mayan Torah
A New Mesivta for NYC
Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim Mayan Torah is designed to build Chassidishe bochurim in חינוך על טהרת הקודש from the foundation up, with Hadracha, love, Simcha, and personal care.
Mesivta Opening
Each bochur will be taught how to know and remember Masechtos in Nigleh, Tanya and foundational Chassidus, each according to his capabilities through:
A well thought out curriculum of learning for the year and full Mesivta experience.
Implementing a comprehensive chazara system.
Knowing the text, e.g. the entire Sugya/Perek of Gemara, before proceeding to Rishonim and Achronim, to the point that the bochur himself relates to the questions the Meforshim ask, ensuring honesty in the level of learning; as taught in Kuntres Etz Chaim of the Rebbe Rashab.
Helping each bochur find his own unique niche to navigate his way through Torah, by introducing him to other “extracurricular” components of Torah.
Relating Yiddishkeit to being happy and living healthy and its relevance to overcoming life’s struggles. Through:
Pre planned topical Fabrengens on Yiddishkeit, based on the Rebbe’s Sicha on Yud Shvat 5715: what does it mean to be a Jew, relating to your Neshamah, to Hashem, Emunah, Tracht Gut, purpose of creation, dealing with challenges, Hiskashrus to the Rebbe etc.
Open and honest non judgmental fabrengens, like authentic Chassidim
Training in Avodas HaTefillah, how to meditate and connect to the Aybishter, experiencing the words with a Chassidic light
Niggunim and their power of connecting a Tamim to his deepest Divine self
The objective and entire ambiance will be one of building each student with warmth and Simcha – showing them how they are a success story already, and can express it in their daily lives, based on their individual resources and skills, emotionally and intellectually. A bochur will be made to feel like the most amazing manifestation of Hashem’s light in this world. Mental and emotional health will be emphasized, so that the principal, maggid shiur and Mashpia understand each bochur and exactly where HE is holding.
The Mesivta is on a spacious campus in Hillburn NY
Meals will be delicious and nutritious
Bochurim will be cared for when they don’t feel well, and will be looked after in general so that they FEEL loved and taken care of materially and spiritually.
Smart phones will not be allowed and flip phones will be checked in.
Parents will be welcomed and engaged in the chinuch of their children.
Striving to reinforce good behavior, rather than punishing negative behavior.
All bochurim will be required to dorm on premises, unless unique situations arise.
There will be ongoing training for staff in the best practices of Chinuch
ויהי רצון שחפץ ה' בידינו יצליח, והזורעים בדמעה ברינה יקצורו - With lofty goals and a readiness to work, our Tefillos are turned to the Aybishter that we succeed in the chinuch of our children and in partnership with parents, we raise a generation that will bring the Rebbe nachas and pride, ראו גידולים שגידלתי, soldiers that will march us immediately to the גאולה האמיתית והשלמה ומלכנו בראשינו!
To contact us, please email admin@mayantorah.org